Living on the Neener-Net

Girl Scout Cookies

posted on Mar 29, 2009
It's odd, the things that will turn up on in a search for girl scout cookies.  It's enough to make a girl feel downright... unwholesome.

On the off-chance that Amazon fixes their search algorithm sometime soon, I took a screenshot on Mar. 29, attached below.  Yes, the item at the bottom of the screen shot, #6 in relevance after the fetish outfits and vaginal speculums, is a 32 oz jug of wolf piss, available used or new.

Speaking of la revoluçion...

posted on Mar 22, 2009
Propaganda 04
North Korea has a CafePress shop.

This is the real thing, not a gag.  But I don't think a gag shop could be any funnier.  I mean, how do you satirize this?  The products are all called "Propaganda" for starters.  (Maybe it's just me, but the Propaganda Trucker Hats are particularly ironic.)

It's so bad, I actually want some of those t-shirts.  I don't particularly want to give Kim Jong-Il my 20 bucks, though.  Maybe there are pirated versions available somewhere.  (Mind you, is it even piracy if the country doesn't acknowledge copyright?)  And, disappointingly, you can't buy any PRK Propaganda thongs, which is a serious oversight on their part, because I know CafePress offers them, and they make such great stocking stuffers.

La revoluçion in miniature

posted on Mar 21, 2009
I love this blog post on the death of newspapers.  It encompasses the subject so completely, in ways that it does not even appear to be fully cognizant of.  It's an A-list piece of Internet journalism, about the death of journalism at the hand of the Internet.  It is an incredibly important and insightful commentary on the revolution we are living through, and should be on the cover of Harpers or The New Yorker (and might be, very shortly, if they can pick up their heads out of the tar pit for a few minutes to read it).  But it's posted in a rude little blog with only four posts in its entire archive, using the lowest common denominator template.  It categorizes all of its articles as "uncategorized", so perhaps the author doesn't know how to use his blogging software, or doesn't care.  Most of the comments (and there are over 500 of them, a week after it was posted) are trackbacks, and not real comments.

It's not quite the future, but is soooo the present.  Viva la revoluçion.

Minister clarifies stand on evolution

posted on Mar 20, 2009
According to the Globe and Mail, anyway.  They printed the Minister's words in detail, which included such clarifying remarks as:

“We are evolving every year, every decade. That's a fact, whether it is to the intensity of the sun, whether it is to, as a chiropractor, walking on cement versus anything else, whether it is running shoes or high heels, of course we are evolving to our environment. But that's not relevant and that is why I refused to answer the question. The interview was about our science and tech strategy, which is strong.”

Did I mention that this is our Minister of Science?  Guess there won't be much evolving happening 'round here for a few years.

Announcing Mobu TV

posted on Mar 20, 2009
You didn't ask for it, but you're getting it anyway.  It's what everyone has been waiting for, even the ones who didn't know it.  Yes, it's Mobu TV, the finest in video entertainment.  Guaranteed to meet your daily recommended intake of WTF?  Wow, I feel smart!  And Gaaaah, make it stop!!  Please!!!

Vorpal Bunnies

posted on Mar 20, 2009

It's your basic little heart-warming tale about bunnies who meet in a snowy field, slash each other to ribbons with sabres, get jiggy for a bit, and then axe-murder each other.

Police state as entertainment

posted on Mar 6, 2009

The National Post is freaking me out today, with the strangest infotainment story I've ever had the displeasure of reading. The story, titled Military Revamps Domestic Defence, is about special reserve units training for disasters and fnord terrorist fnord attacks. So far no big deal, except for all the usual hyperventilation about fnord terrorism fnord.

But then I notice that the story is filed under "Entertainment". It seems weird that a story about creeping police state measures to combat fnord terrorism fnord would be considered entertainment, so I read on to the end of the article and find this:
Estimated size Unknown
Nightmare scenario: Why don't these people realize we're here to help??
Movie it suggests Operation Dumbo Drop starring Danny Glover

Estimated size: Enough personnel to run 22 clean water machines
Nightmare scenario: Our water is poison!
Movie it suggests: Batman Begins starring Christian Bale
(And not a fnord to be seen! Some editor deserves to be fired.) This appears to be definitive proof that someone in our defense establishment, or in our MSM, has completely lost touch with reality. Operation Dumbo Drop? Batman? This is what passes for military policy in the post-9/11 world? I guess "security theatre" is too old-fashioned for the hipster fascists, and "security cinema" is where it's at.

Poor things

posted on Mar 1, 2009
I think this might be more frightening than the Aussie spiders below.

Speaking of beautiful women with deadly weapons

posted on Feb 22, 2009
Colonel Gaddafi, the world's closest living thing to a Bond villain, has an elite personal bodyguard of deadly hotties.  They follow him everywhere with their Kalashnikovs and camo gear, and reputedly have even taken bullets for him.  All while looking smoking hot.

This is undeniably awesome in a cheesy sci-fi movie sense, but the feminist world is understandably torn about whether this is a giant leap forward or backward for feminism.  That subset of feminists who thinks that comic books are a fine model for the empowerment of women in society are clearly on the side of lipstick commandos, of course.  But other than those three, the rest of them haven't decided anything, other than it seems damn weird.

Gaddafi caused a bit of a stir in the Ukraine when he showed up with his train of amazon commandos.  I'm not sure what they are talking about in this video, but it seems almost paparazzi-like in its obsession with the cuties in the background.

Clearly trading cards are coming next.

One small step for a man

posted on Jan 18, 2009


Things that mobu likes, things that mobu does, things that mobu makes, things that mobu thinks.


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